Recall Function

So far my biggest annoyance with the game is that sometimes I want to hit V to send out units and mistakenly hit B instead. Multiple times I had my army selected and they were all forced to recall, I have since learned that you can cancel recalls by pressing escape, but that seems counter-intuitive, most games [esc] is used to end the game/surrender/change settings. please please please let there be a way to cancel recalls by moving the unit.


  • Yeah, that was a problem for me too at the start. My instincts told me moving or pressing B again should have cancelled it. I probably accidentally recalled three times before learning escape cancelled it.

  • DecencyDecency Member, Moderator

    I think pressing "S" to stop recall will be intuitive for RTS/Dota2 players, as it's the typical "cancel my current command" button. I think it would be frustrating if right clicking cancelled the recall, especially at times when you only want to recall a portion of your army.

  • TreiskTreisk Member, Administrator
    edited December 2015

    I like Decency's solution here quite a bit, with a bit more behind it. I think the idea of what Recall should feel like is that it's a unit command -- something you can shift-queue, and conveniently stop. So I suspect something that feels more like that is quite likely for the future.

    Please also continue the discussion, this is great stuff! :D

  • Yeah I agree it was also no intuitive for me, It should cancel if you move, press esc or B again. The same Thing with building towers - you should be able to cancel the construction by pressing "Esc" for example.

  • Day9Day9 Member, Administrator

    LOL oh god the V/B "bug."

    We are planning a more extensive "full keyboard rebinding" pass to make everything more intuitive. Given that we have so many systems changing and coming in, we've crowded parts of the keyboard in a really problematic way. I find the "JKL;M,." hotkeys for the weapons particularly funny.

    Def agree it's an issue and will be addressed :).

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