Unit death heatmap!
Member, Administrator
Here's a heatmap of unit deaths for 3v3. It's a little inaccurate for now but shows the general idea.
EDIT: replaced with the more accurate version.
oh man I love this kind of analytics. That's super interesting.
The bottom-most expos, including gem, are almost never fought over. I'm also amused that there are some deaths in-base. People who wandered up there unawares I suppose
--edit-- in the previous version it wasn't clear at all the bottom expos had so many deaths, ignore this comment by me haha
Oh wow that looks awesome
Weird to see how much action typically happened closer to the center of the map, I feel like most of my action was a little more up and to the left of the biggest blob.
Here's a better one.
I feel like there's a story behind that large amount of death by the bottom players base haha.
Maybe I'm just imagining things but I think you can see all the units I lost trying to make runbys on expansions work xD
I know at least some of those deaths at the bottom were me not knowing that bases had death lasers, lol.
Do "unit deaths" include "neutral units"? Can those red splotches mean neutrals?
Does this imply that you guys have other modes to play in-house? :D
Where/how did you get the data for this?
I think it means "as opposed to vs bots"
@Outbreak We have some simple in-game analytics and one of the things it records is where units die. It seems to include structures and recalls, too.
We're also recording which squads people pick. I think Day[9] mentioned in AMA #1 that the squad choices are almost even.
Will you guys be posting a heat map of the art map? I am interested in how that one looks.
This would be awesome