[Bug] Half of my army dies when deployed?

No idea what caused this or how it happened, but I thought it was funny and interesting and definitely worth posting here, as I feel like it's either a bug that needs a fix, or I just need an answer for my own sake.


  • snkzsnkz Member, Administrator

    Yeaaaa so this is due to how units in our game are created and how the bot's choose positions to cast abilities.

    The culprit here is cause is Ryme's tier two unit's frostfall ability. Frostfall is an aoe with 6 pulses, if Ryme Bot kills the targeted unit with one of those 6 pulses, theres a chance the other pulses will move to the position of a newly created unit, i.e your sandstingers!

    This is the same issue as what was posted by Sawyer here: https://guardiansofatlas.xyz/forums/discussion/534/raptors-dying-on-spawn#latest

    We have a fix for it, shouldn't show up in future test weekends!

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