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  • Open Task Manager and close the application/process AltasRunner.exe It should take the "Running" off of your play button.
  • This is the new option you should see available.
  • Wow I feel pretty silly! I was playing the new art map today and I ran down to the "purple" coin deps cause there was ZERO neutral monsters and I thought I hit the jackpot for coin. After about 30 minute of going "why do I have no coin income" it h…
  • I'm sure the "Social" Tab in the client will have the forums and other community related tools shown in the future. Would be cool though.
  • Hello! I didn't have much time to play today but I did manage to micro hard enough to kill a green camp at lvl 1 with only T1 units and +1 attack. Overall not hard but if the enemy knew you were doing this it could end badly even with that tower gua…
  • This will be recount of everything involving the test today. First game: I got into the game rushed T2 units or team focused on gathering gems very early. Unfortunately two people on the opposing team left/dc. Over all the game lasted about 7 minu…
  • I'm receiving errors; SERVER, CLIENT, and TIMEDOUT. I figure it's because of the maintenance Steve is doing. BELIEVEINSTEVE
  • Day man. There's an edit button at the top right hand corner of your message if you hover over it. This isn't AIM or Xfire xD I love the neutral weapons I like to siege the middle of the map forcing the opponents to poke their head out or sending…
  • I was messing around with some settings to see if I could produce a different quality with a combination of changed settings. This was the only noticeable difference I could create. With Vignette and without I hope this helps narrow the problem do…
  • I feel like killing their main base structures is more BM than tactical. You can just as easy kill their nexus if you're holding them back that far.
  • I like pressing V. I don't want my units rallying to the wrong part of the map. Gives me time to figure out where I want my reinforcements. If they had a toggle on the ability I'd be ok with that too. much like right click commands in starcraft ei. …
  • I thought they were Neutral because they refuse to use living things. I'm like "Like why won't you shoot that hero in the face man?" Glass Cannon: "I have a neutral stance to violence I just shoot walls and robots"
  • I did some testing today on graphics, but I got one solid game today. I progressed significantly slower this time seeing how the game would evolve. Feedback: 1. I feel the late game is too based on the nexus. I want to harass the side but I have t…
  • Here's 2 more images. It would seem I have a constant problem regardless of the quality or resolution. I tried windowed, fullscreen windowed and fullscreen. I will note it does not affect my gameplay. Thanks for the help in this matter. Let me know …
  • Hey NYG97 you can embed images in the message. Try not to upload images to external sites