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  • Game 2 (PvP): The long one. Playing as Ryme I played as Ryme and skewed full tank, in order to fill in our Celesta Alder team comp that we had running, and I have to say it was definitely an interesting experience. This game was definitely a game …
  • Game Four: Well aren't we squishy. (Bots): Playing as Vela I found this match a lot less fun than the others I have played, mostly because vela's squad doesn't seem to hold up well on her own and seems to need to work cooperatively with a tank squ…
  • @Periablo said: Seriously, this. If one of your allies comes up behind you in a battle, and you realize you can't win the battle, it can be impossible to maneuver any of your units out of the fight. It's especially frustrating in bot games whe…
  • Game Three: Seige Tank Stalkers. (Bots): Playing as Celesta Confirmed the issues with unit collision mentioned in the previous game, as purifiers are susceptible to being pushed to the front lines by wisps. I found it really cool to blow stuff up…
  • Game Two: Plants. Plants everywhere. (Bots): Playing as Alder It was really interesting to have the seedbot mechanics : I felt like I could do a lot without loosing my units, as compared to the Eris game. The zoning potential of the seeds was real…