
Discord User ID :: 81650692422377472


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  • Yeah I would tend to agree I almost always use it for running away. Every once in a while I've used it to do some cool stuff like there was one time where I got the drop on a bunch of enemy whelps that were harassing our base but mostly I use it lik…
  • I would also like to add that its super frustrating to use if you have any mercs in your squad as it doesn't affect them. So if your trying to be sneaky you have to leave them behind and if your running away your basically guaranteed to lose them.
  • @KonTiki Yeah they are definitely the way to go to break down strongholds like that (though at least a few of my games I had forgotten about that). My problem was that it was hard for my team to get in range to use even the cublets because they die …
  • I felt really good about the tech tree overall. I'm only starting to get the hang of when to get what but I really enjoyed experimenting with the tech tree depending on the race and how I was planning on playing. While sometimes I got a little bit …
  • So I do like how there is a higher skill ceiling when it comes to micro and how pathing works in general. However, there were many moments that were quite frustrating as a result. I'm not very good at micro in general so this is part of it but I rem…
  • So to start off I really enjoyed playing today it was awesome! I ended up getting to play 6 games during the PvP test and it was soooo much fun! I love the 3v3 aspect of the game, at least for me its a lot more fun than the typical 1v1 of something …