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  • @Sockso said: I understand there’s a lot of placeholder art and sounds in game right now, but gathering gems feels unsatisfying. I want to want to be addicted to gemming. I’d like them to be shiny, valuable looking things that you want to figh…
  • How/why did you decide on neutral weapons instead of squad-specific late-game/siege units? You've expressed before that you don't like "liquid" pathfinding/collision, and prefer something closer to where Atlas is now. Why is that, when it often jus…
  • @The Foilist said: I just thought I'd throw this in, although I don't expect very many people share my opinion. I don't actually mind the pathing issues. Sure, I have to devote a lot of effort to keep track of my army and keep everything …
  • When I play, I really enjoy the squad units. I consistently keep my gold low, because I want to max out my unit count ASAP as well as get as many upgrades as I can. When it comes to gems, however, I always feel like I have more than enough. They're …
  • I feel like the battle pacing is really well done. Battles take longer than I'm used after playing SC2, giving you more time to micro your units. However, I find it hard to tell sometimes when units are getting low on health, due to spell effects, o…
  • I hope this isn't too broad of an answer, but pathfinding and collision are one of the two things that frustrate me about the game as it is right now, among many things that make the game great. Units seem to have a collision radius larger than the …
  • Wow, thank you, that'll help a lot. I'll be sure to do more research before I make a suggestion in the future -.-
  • There isn't any strategy in end-game unit comp. You build what you can, and thats that. This is one of my huge gripes with MOBAs - if your endgame is approximately the same each game it makes the story of each game significantly less important. M…
  • Just to add to Berler's point about having it hard to find your units in mid to late game: I think a "select all army" button would be very helpful. Even though in SC2 it's a cardinal sin to use the select all army button, in Atlas it seems as if a …
  • I would say the biggest negative (out of a lot of positives) in the game for me right now is the way pathing/collision works. Feels very SC:BW, where I'm just frustrated with how my units move, because it's clunky, often slow, and semi-unpredictable…