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  • +1 for this. Also, I believe the levels change the hero's stats. I notice the health bars of the tankier heroes starting to have many more green squares towards the end of the game.
  • @Bloodyaugust said: That's really, really not what I would consider the TL,DR of that post, but thanks for the link. That's how I read it. Technically I think the TLDR; is that HTML5 overall (and by that I mean the HTML5 umbrella, not just …
  • @wolverinero79 said: What was the source of the initial PvP TW3 bugsplats? I believe the logs said something about a missing file? Also...what are you guys using for CI and CD? Dang, where's the edit button. I'm actually interested in…
  • What was the source of the initial PvP TW3 bugsplats? I believe the logs said something about a missing file? Also...what are you guys using for CI and CD?
  • They may be powerful, but any siege unit (the juggs, purifiers, etc.) rips them apart relatively quickly. And as long as you have a sacrificial unit with a lot of health that you can micro in first, the rest of your army can rip them to shreds. So…
  • @Trillen said: I have had a couple experiences where I had my army wiped out because I am trying to retreat from a fight and my robo friend is trying to charge into the fight and our armies collide and blocked each other so he can't engage and…
  • It's too bad that browsers are at a crossroads for serious gaming. While they try to push HTML5, HTML5 itself is still not as full featured as game engines based upon C++. At the same time, Google's banned most plugins (and Mozilla is following an…
  • +1 And "Body is 2 characters too short". So...stuff.
  • @wondible said: In one of my games I won a juggernaut and didn't realize it was mine, because I'd only thrown in about one gem to try and help out. Yes, it's a different color but that isn't always easy to notice in the heat of battle. I'm …
  • @Alyindar said: A majority of the time after finishing a game, the chat window will overlay the results screen, blocking most of the bottom left 2 squad details. I have yet to find a way to minimize or close the chat window from this screen. …
  • @wondible said: Commander is used in the TA/SupCom/PA family for the start builder (and nexus, win condition wise) May or may not want that baggage as much. I think this is a valid concern. Although the Commander in those games was still a …
  • @Benenach said: Just finished my first Intro Bots game - had a blast, and ended up winning! First Thoughts I'm sure a solid tutorial is in the works, but without Day9's intro video, I would've been totally lost. Basically this. I wi…
  • Are there any other formats planned other than 3v3? Will there be a single player campaign? How many maps are planned? Can you enable an auto-deploy mechanic? How many heroes are planned for launch? Do you plan to continue to release more over …
  • I think the Commander terminology fits more with the theme as well. I also was expecting my hero to be a big bad mofo, but he was a wimp (the two heroes I've tried both fall in that bucket). My minions have better abilities and the larger ones are…
  • The art (not gameplay or strategy, obviously) makes me feel like this is an updated version of Total Annihilation...and I love it. More sciencey than fantasy. The map itself looks gorgeous with some nice colored lighting in the right spots. It's…
  • When I ended the game, the results were behind the chat window. This made me feel sad. I would appreciate it not happening. It also appears that somehow I got a second client launched at the same time. I didn't do that AFAIK...
  • @Spooky said: On the topic of the Juggernaut, I feel like it should be an AI controlled unit that pushes to the nearest tower; attacking any enemy structures along the way. I'm on the fence with this. I recognize the comparison to siege cam…
  • Here's my first impression stream of thought. These are purely opinions, so take them or leave them. Overall I love the idea behind the game and the artwork and sounds are wonderful! I have seen no huge technical problem yet, so I'm pretty impres…