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  • This is my opinion after playing like 15 games. I understand that playing 15 games, doesn't equal an understanding of the game, but here's my opinion anyway. I'm not a huge fan of orb collecting to get a juggernaut or w/e they are. Half the time it…
  • I played 3 games of PvP. I lost 3 games of PvP. The other team was using advanced tactics such as sending a couple units to kill our workers, while fighting us head on. This generally proved to be too much to handle for my teammates and I to handl…
  • Yeah I double checked and It seemed like lag. First run through the game experienced lag like symptoms at around 10:33. The second time I ran the replay it was at like 4mins, so it's probably lag.
  • I can die happy knowing my life had meaning. What about the pause time being saved during replays?
  • @Hazard said: Yeah I tried this and its strong and all, but I feel like if you go head to head with anyone you're going to lose most of the time because your units have like no health. Sure you snipe like 3-4 units, but when you units die in 2-…
  • Also, the replays seem to record the pause length as well...if someone pauses for 10 minutes (an example) I would hope they would not have to fast forward 10 minutes of the game being paused to watch the rest.
  • game id: Gdc0515ef7a6b4f4e83e16fb7793bc3b1 at about 11mins 20seconds. It was actually about more than half of the units that died. They spawned with about half hp, then just died.
  • I felt indifferent when I first started playing this game. It just felt like starcraft combined with like league of legends without the appeal of either. Now that I've gotten a good amount of games under my belt, I feel like I'm just starting to sc…
  • 10 games later - not so newbie. I think I'm starting to understand the plant guys a lot more. I just played a game where my bot friends were getting their butts kicked, and thanks to me playing the plant guys we won. I ended up just using mass sapl…
  • Can we expect any environmental destructibles such as boulders blocking a path to a lane or base? Also, SF or LA?
  • this post is from my first games. The post after comes with a bit more understanding. I've played about 5 games so far. I still don't have a firm grasp of this game yet. That being said, I took some notes from a newbies perspective. The plant guys…
  • I've played about 5 games or so now. The bots will often get "stuck" in regards to surrounds and collision. When this happens they don't attack and keep trying to run to their target while they are stuck. This makes me feel guilty. I take advantage …
  • I too had problems with collision and possibly pathing. Sometimes instead of trying to run around a unit, one of my units will get stuck and run back and forth almost like its in a loop until the other unit is moved or dies. This makes me feel frust…