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  • PVP was way better than the BOT games. I was focusing on Ryme but ended up with Hydros in my 3rd game because Mip stole Ryme from me immediately upon entering character selection. I never did find out what his ult was but the uniform game design…
  • Experience: Sauceninja's kid "Dude, it tells you how much you're short on resources when you're spamming to build? That's sick. They should keep that." Feeling: He's right. Solution: Great Idea!
  • Experience: SauceNinja's son says "Seriously I won't violate the NDA. What's the storyline?" Feeling: "I don't know. I'm trying to micro." Solution: Seriously, what's the storyline?
  • Experience: They are definitely on the small side. Feeling: I felt like it was hard to tell them apart much less micro individually. Solution: Make bigger or increase differentiation. Different colors on the same team would be useful. All of Ry…
  • Experience: using the D ability from Ryme. The freezy one which holds the enemy in place for a few seconds. I used it a lot when kiting/pulliing mobs. It felt good and not bad for CC, especially since the collusion rate is high, it significantly…
  • Experience: Landing a giant F ability from Ryme onto a bunch of units and watching them all die. Feeling: Similar to an OP Azmodan's Orb in HOTS. Like I just hit a home run. Like I was Gandalf showing up at the last moment on a white horse with …
  • I like this feedback format. I've shortened it to Experience, Feeling, Solution. EFS. It should be an industry standard. Experience: I created my profile and found no place to personalize. During installation seems like it may be a good time …
  • I was having some trouble with winning the video game so I asked for some pointers. Requiem totally stepped up and invited me to a party to give me some pointers. When I joined his party, I could see the chat from all the previous people in his …
  • This happened to me on Windows 8 x64 with a single monitor setup. Sometimes when I alt-tab the client window doesn't fill out. It was just a frame with the title and boarders, but like it was transparent and I could see google chrome int he backg…