So, what squad is everyone rocking so far?
I personally really enjoy the Tidal Knight. Tanky and frontline are my style. Also, Cannonballing right on top of the enemy hero is just too much fun.
How about the rest of you?
So, what squad is everyone rocking so far?
I personally really enjoy the Tidal Knight. Tanky and frontline are my style. Also, Cannonballing right on top of the enemy hero is just too much fun.
How about the rest of you?
I am a huge advocate of Alder, Lord of Vines. The synergy of his squad's abilities and overall toolbox-y mechanics that let me deal with a variety of situations. I very highly recommend that everyone try Alder out :D
I really like the idea of Vela, Elegant Assassin, but I felt like my units were constantly dying because of how squishy they were. Maybe it's just because I had poor positioning or something, but I really liked the concept of the long range, massive damage style.
Celesta - although i have only played three and liked them all. I think they all have viable playing skills.
I dig Eris a lot. The AA - Dash - AA combo for big burst is really nice :D
Eris and Celesta seem to hit that sweet spot for me; cheap, fast, small units for swarming
Oh yeah, I agree. I feel like he has the most unique Squad of any of them so far.