Thoughts after playing game

I started out by watch Day9's intro videos, then launched into a game.

  • Resources felt incredibly constraining - I never felt like I knew how to get more, and making new bases felt pointless since I'd finish finish making them after waiting ages, then the AI would immediately sweep in and destroy it. It always felt like I was waiting, and never able to do anything because I was so constantly constrained.
  • I felt very passive. Because the only way I interact with resource generation is finding new bases, it felt extremely passive and really boring. Really it just seemed like they are in the game just to give people something to fight over.
  • The neutral minions feel very powerful. Because I felt so constrained in resources, I really wanted to kill the neutral minions, so I would kill all my guys to barely (or even half way) take them out, then I guess I got resources? It was hard for me to tell.
  • Stuff feels crazy expensive. I guess this is because some stuff comes back to life? I felt frustrated the whole game because I never felt like I was gaining ground, just randomly trying stuff and seeing what stuck. In the end the AI was about to kill me, so I ignored them and kill their nexus since they totally ignored me.

To Summarize - I felt very frustrated and confined the entire game. There's so few minions to control, way too many that are available, but so expensive I could never build them. I'll just wait till you guys work some more on the game, then give it a try again.

Replay ID G6166e4c1a1bc48c389274705d9cb5fe4


    • also - I never knew what to do with scrap. Nothing I could get from that seemed like it could deal damage! very irritating.
    • additionally - what's the point of xp? I never could figure out what it did.
  • Day9Day9 Member, Administrator

    Thanks for the post!

    The economy is in a slightly odd spot right now (we're planning on changes post TW2 for those purposes). For instance, as you noted, suiciding your squad units to kill mercs feels very weird. And, overall, the gold income is relatively low compared to our previous builds. Many people have commented on having a bit too much scrap.

    I'd be very curious to see how these feelings change when you step into PvP. The bots don't create the same pressures/opportunities as other humans do. Would it be possible to play another game to give us the compare/contrast?

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