TOS, EULA, NDA complaint

As a long-time software professional, I understand that your lawyer insists you include these documents.

Few if any of your users are going to read the documents when they are as long and as hard to read as yours. They are going to just click accept. Please consider improving this experience for the sake of everyone involved. I suggest short, easy to read documents. Something you would expect your child to understand as a benchmark.


  • BurdockBurdock Member
    edited December 2015

    I could not agree more, a good terms and conditions synopsis sets a great precedent of transparency and honesty. If you would like some examples, tosdr is currently the best collection of boiled down Terms of service

  • anxmananxman Member, Administrator

    Hi Mjd, thanks for the feedback. The NDA is something that we plan to only have as long as we're in closed alpha. In the future, we look forward to that going away.

    Is there something specific about the TOS and EULA that you dislike? We are using the industry standard version which most other popular games use. Have you found one that you like more that's in use by another popular title. I'd be happy to take a look.

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