Neutral Camp Abbreviations [STRATEGY]

MilleaMillea Member
edited July 1 in General Discussion

I figured that before camps get named better, it's probably a good idea to have abbreviations so people can say and understand stuff like "this camp died at X time"

So for example. If I say ONE 057 no one currently would understand, but it will provide extraordinarily useful information.

Therefore, abbreviation guide! I based this off of my LoL knowledge.

First letter in abbreviation
O = OUR (This means on OUR TEAM's side of the map)
T = THEIR (This means on the ENEMY TEAM's side of the map)

Second letter in abbreviation
N = North (The one closest to the upper side of the map where the stock crystal is defended by towers)
J = JUNGLE (The wilderness that is accessible from your towers. There's an easy camp in a medium camp not defended by towers here This would be top side jungle for the bot left team and bot side jungle for the top right team)
M = MIDDLE (The camp in the middle of the map, those two easies)
S = South (The camp near the bottom lane of the map defended by towers)

Third letter

E = Easy
M = Medium
H = Hard

This may sound complicated, but we could really use a naming system because we need to keep track of timers on camps to have a better time at contesting them and keeping track of stock crystal pops.


Stock crystal = 2.5 Minutes
Easy = 6 Minutes
Medium = 9 Minutes
Hard = 12 Minutes

Better with pictures? One is attached. This is from the bottom left's perspective. Reverse Os and Ts if on the top right

So let's take a few examples. One minute into the game I spawn top and kill that camp defended by towers. As soon as I kill it, I say "ONE [current time]" Let's assume I say "ONE 100" in chat.

This provides us with 2 useful pieces of knowledge.

  1. Stock crystal gives my teammates and me 4 stock each at exactly 3:30
  2. It will respawn at EXACTLY 7:00

This will greatly enhance strategy.

However, it's not as useful with easy camps as it is with HARD CAMPS!!

Let's say I say "NH 1350" in chat (O/T is omitted because the camp is neither ours nor theirs). This lets us know that the upper hard camp will respawn at 25:50.

How is this useful?

Let's say you start placing traps top at around 22:50, as they take 3 minutes to respawn. This could also let you be there at exactly 25:50 when it spawns without needing to react to it spawning.


  • NibNib Member

    having their hard and top hard both be TH seems less than ideal but I like the rest.

  • MilleaMillea Member
    edited July 1

    Good point @Nib! Let's change it to North and South (N and S) rather than Top and Bot. I will redo the graphic later.

    EDIT: Graphic redone.

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