Damage type and armor type list.

MilleaMillea Member
edited August 22 in General Discussion

Edit: should probably clarify: This is a list of all armor types and damage types of all units in the game, as it is not in collection

Another edit: everything unlisted (Heroes, buildings) is normal/normal.

I can't do formatting well on here so i just attached the excel doc I made. if anyone wants to convert it to the forum's format that'd be great.

Explanation of damage types from the FAQ and Gameplay Guide by Treisk. https://guardiansofatlas.xyz/forums/discussion/594/faq-gameplay-guide-for-atlas-test-weekend-4

Different damage types deal different values of damage to different armor types. It works like this:

    100% damage to Heavy
    75% damage to Normal
    50% damage to Light

    100% damage to Light
    75% damage to Normal
    50% damage to Heavy

Normal damage deals full damage to all armor types.

Something that is important to note is that i do believe spells have damage types (eris's disarray for one), but I can't figure out how to find them.

Updated as of 237.


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