If players started with Scrap we'd use more T1.5 units and early battles would feel less predictable

I was talking with several players about this and we all agreed: if we had access to some scrap at the very start of the game (just a little: maybe 20-50?) we would use more T1.5 units and we expected this to make the very early fights more interesting and less predictable.

Now, we have no idea if this would actually make for GOOD fights. It's possible that early T1.5 units would upset balance in some way, or result in bad fights or short games, or something to that effect. But right now every starter army looks exactly the same the first time you fight the opponent - and because you probably need to fill your army out as quickly as possible, it often feels right to skip over T1.5 altogether until you get your T2 upgrade.

I'm not sure if this is the intentional flow of the game, but it would be pretty cool to see variance in starter armies and I don't think this would change the overall flow of the match too much otherwise. Could be wrong, but figured I'd throw it out there since Millea didn't want to write up the post :)

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