Bug: Sandstingers can be propelled across the map using their dash and walls.


Here's a replay of me messing around with it for 5 minutes on easy bots.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Get around 15-20 sandstingers (or more)
2. Dash into a wall near the edge in the direction you'd like to go.

As a result, a few of your sandstingers will go very far in the direction of your dash after hitting the first wall. This gets them stuck in walls about half the time, and the other half ends with them very far away from their original location. Sometimes even in the enemy fountain.


  • RequiemRequiem Member, Administrator

    Hey Millea, thanks for the report!
    I looked into it today and got it fixed. It should be in for Wednesday's build.

  • MilleaMillea Member

    It's significantly harder to do now and they don't get stuck in walls, but still possible.


  • MilleaMillea Member
    edited July 1


    So now sandstingers can't be propelled across the map, but they can easily get stuck "in a wall". I think this may be related to the fix, as the same sort of thing wasn't happening before.


    Additional Info

    It seems to happen when a sandstinger tries to start its dash but cannot. The ones that get stuck do not even start the orange animation. I'd guess this would be because the start location and the end location are the same? (Just a hunch)

    It acts like it's being told to "stop" It can be pushed by other units, and it attacks things that approach it, but for the rest of the game you cannot order it to do anything.

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