Feedback for this past weekend event

Although I didn't get a chance to get into the PvP portion of the alpha weekend, I really enjoyed trying out the game and being a part of this experience. There is a great idea here that touches on two popular genres and combines them into one game. My biggest concern for the game overall is the gold income rate. The lack of gold income, or possible ways to earn gold, really slow down the pace of the game and don't encourage players to go our and protect their towers, or even fight the enemy team for any reason. If players were awarded gold for everything they killed, then you would have a reason to go out and participate in fights, try to get camps/towers, etc. Also, as a result of the gold income, it feels like it's a huge disadvantage to take upgrades over buying more units.

I tried out Vex, Eris, and Vela and I felt that each of those heroes have unique ways of getting into the action. You really get punished for being out of position and not being behind the front line of your team. I felt that Vela was a little weak, but that may have just been because I focused on buying upgrades rather than units. Vex, on the other hand, was SO powerful. I'm not sure if OVER powered, but powerful. The spell combinations that you can get with Vex are so cool. Oil Grenade + Pyroblast + Flamethrower = melted (LITERALLY!). It was so fun just being able to tear through the enemy's forces with 3 well-placed spells, such a devastating combo!

I really only encountered a few bugs throughout the weekend, the screen scrolling issue which was addressed in addition to one more. I had a lot of Leviathans stacked up (like you used to be able to do with Mutalisks) and then stopped them abruptly to attack and one of them seemed to slide out of the group about 3-4 ship lengths away from the group while the others just hovered away from each other. I got a little giggle out of it and it wasn't game-breaking.

Overall, it was a very enjoyable experience and I appreciate being part of the Alpha testing for your guys' game!

Take care,

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