How much of a commitment do you have to make to be a daily tester?

Does anyone know? I would love to be a daily/weekly tester, but I worry that there may be times when I can't test every day due to my schedule. Also, how much time per day should be put into daily testing? I can test at least a few times a week, but every day might be difficult.
We currently test two times a week for a couple of hours each. Only time other than that is if a quick stability test is going where whoever happens to be around joins and a small amount of time to writing forum posts for feedback.
Thanks! I should be able to do it, if that's the case. Although I will be on a trip this Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, as well as part of the day Monday. During that time, I won't be able to test. Is that okay?
Yeah I don't think it's really a problem if you miss a playtest (or even multiple).
Awesome! I'll definitely put my email address into the survey, then!