Atlas impressions/feelings

Quick Background:
I'm an avid League of Legends player who has very little experience playing the RTS genre. The only RTS experience i have is playing the story mode of SC2 on an average difficulty so i am by no means good at RTS games.

Atlas Feedback:
Atlas was the first game in the RTS genre that was able to grab me that i actually forgot to eat for long time because i was so captivated by the whole experience. That being said i have my fair share of impressions and feelings about Atlas as a whole.

  1. I felt incredibly underwhelmed by a lot of the mercs when it came to power and price. i always felt like i was choosing between either the base cubes or the late game units in each faction respectively because they were just better choices a majority of the time then wasting precious gems on an expensive unit that wasn't ever really worth it. I would just recommend some balance changes to either the strength or price of the lesser used mercs which would great much more interesting and different battles than just leviathans going at it.

  2. i never felt like the game was ever impossible to win which i think is incredibly hard to do with any competitive game that people can get leads in. There was a time in a PvP game where i was pretty sure we were going to lose because we were behind all game and enemy was already attacking our nexus, but we managed to hold off and win and that gave me the greatest feeling of exhilaration which is very hard to produce in games. The possibility of anything can happen in game gives Atlas a huge amount of replayability and i hope the design team keeps this in mind when the change the game at all.

  3. Many people didn't like the armies being smaller but for me i really liked it since it made it easier for me to learn the game and allowed for an easy introduction into the RTS genre for beginners which gave me a sense of comfort. I realize the gold system is being reworked which will change the size of armies undoubtedly and i really hope that they don't make a lot of changes concerning army size.

  4. One thing i would like to see fixed is the pathing and hitboxes on units. There was many times where i felt incredibly helpless when my units would be in larger fights but would not actually be able to attack anything because they are stuck behind other units. One game, a bot actually trapped me up against a wall i had to wait there just watching for it to move away which was really frustrating. I think that if the hitboxes of the units that the whole units takes up was decreased in size it would allow for smoother movement and less frustrating moments like the one bot game i played and i think would make melee units feel a lot better overall. Also they could allow for a push mechanic so units don't even need to walk around each other but just go through each other and push the units to the side as just an idea.

The game overall is incredibly fun even this early on it its development stage and I am really interested to see how it will change over time hopefully for the better.

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