Economy and Strategy Feelings and Thoughts

First of all I want to thank Artillery for inviting me to play in the test weekend. I had a lot of fun, and I feel like Atlas has an enormous amount of potential.

So thank you! :) <3

Now I want to give some thoughts on some of the issues discussed by Day9 in the AMA #2. Hopefully, this can spark a discussion or some ideas. I would love to hear what the community, or what Artillery thinks.

I think the biggest problems in the game were the economy and the strategy. (Actually despite some of the issues in pathing, I think what you guys are going for is going to make the game really fun.)

So here are my two "I felt X when Y happened" that sparked these thoughts.

  1. I felt limited, and like my decisions weren't strategic or impactful when spending gold. Even on the Art map (which was awesome!) with 4 or 5 bases, I could only spend gold every 2 or 3 minutes, and it was a black and white decision: one unit or one upgrade. This didn't feel strategic or impactful to me, it just felt like a choice. So what if instead of having 200 gold every 3 minutes and choosing an upgrade or a unit I had 600 gold and could get some sort of mixture. I could get 3 units, or 3 upgrades, or maybe 1 upgrade and 2 units or maybe 2 upgrades and 1 unit. All of the sudden I have more combinations, in a shorter period of time. This is going to provide more feedback. In the time it takes to build/upgrade my army will become noticeably bigger, or noticeably stronger. I think the key take away is that a decision should either be small and frequent, or large and less frequent where currently it feels small and less frequent. To be honest, even something as simple as greatly increasing the gold speed/amount would benefit the game so much. If every 20 or 30 seconds I could go build a unit or an upgrade, or wait a minute to get a combination of units and upgrades, the pacing of the game would feel a lot better. This would also help remedy point two by improving the multitasking.

  2. I felt like there wasn't enough to do, and that decisions were too clear throughout the game (go fight for gems, now go kill some titans, now go get some gems). I know Day9 talked about this in his AMA, but when he was talking about the refactoring of the economy and the workers I had an idea. What if the workers built the expansions and created the neutral weapons. Because the Hero does everything, it feels like I need to focus 100% on my hero and I can only do one thing at a time. If workers took some of the burden, I instantly have more choices because things can happen simultaneously. I can focus 100% on fights and keep my workers mining or I can spend 70% of my time positioning my hero and fighting and 30% of my time moving a worker into position to build some neutral weapons and go after a tower. This makes sense to me because neutral weapons can't attack units, so why should my hero (who is sitting with the rest of my units) build them. A worker, who shouldn't be able to fight, can slip around the back side of the map and build a cannon, or a couple of cube dudes. Or he can go over to my ally's base and build a defense structure, to stop incoming neutral weapons. etc.

Hopefully this is somewhat interesting. I really had fun testing Atlas and actually have a ton of feedback. I just wanted to express my biggest concerns. Thanks for taking the time to read this.

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