
So, I have been trying out alder and I am pretty sure that the consume sapling ability is not working. Check the replay of Saladin that went up a little bit ago, and at about 12 minutes I have one bramblethorn consume two saplings and race another. They seem to be the same speed. Any one else messed around with Alder?


  • Huh, that's interesting. Honestly I've never tried eating a regular sapling so I wouldn't know. Maybe ask the resident Alder expert @Cycle

  • CycleCycle Member, Moderator

    @Saladin so I checked out your replay here. You do the experiment at around 12:40.

    When Goliaths Re-cycle saplings or Trees, they retain that buff for a short time. Your first run with the Goliaths heading north accurately reflects the speed boost - you can see the Goliath on the left move significantly faster than the one on the right. When you direct them to run south, the buff has already expired.

    You run a second test about a minute later, with the Goliath on the right Re-cycling two saplings for the speed boost, and the Goliath on the left eating a Needlefern and a Tree of Life. However by the time you send them north to check, the speed buff has already expired.

    So, everything is working as intended! I agree though that the visual FX for seeing whether or not a Goliath is affected by a buff could definitely be clearer, and it's very hard to tell whether or not the Goliath is still buffed. :D

  • That makes sense. I noticed he got there faster the first time, but I assume I had just sent them at different times. I just assumed the buff would be permanent.

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