First impressions

I played a few short games against the bots, the game was very fun but there were a few things I noticed. Both games I played as the plant druidy hero (I forget the name). The unit control and battles felt really good and the ability to quickly lay down sappling by spam clicking felt natural. One of the biggest things I noticed however was that the animation for the living roots ability felt really bad, I'm sure it's just a placeholder but it didn't feel satisfying at all. The damage also feels a bit low but it's hard to say until I play more. The expansion system felt really unintuitive, even as someone who has played a fair amount of starcraft I felt like I had no idea when to expand or when my army was capable of taking out the neuterals guarding them either. The gems also were a bit hard to get the hang of, I was never sure what to spend them on and I was never really sure when to try to pick them up and when not to. Gem blobs that had already been claimed innitially were hard for me to distinguish from ones that hadn't which made me unsure how to interact with them and also it feels weird to not be able to interract with enemy unclaimed blobs in any way. Maybe there should be a way to destroy them or claim them for your own? Sorry for the blob of text, other than those things though the game seems like it could be really fun and has a lot of promise and I look forward to playing more tomorrow.

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