Arted Map Expansions

Alright, A short little bit of feed back on the arted map since there doesn't seem to be a megapost specific to the art map.

The extra amount of expansions to take feels very enjoyable. Being able to invest in extra gold income, and not having to fight allies over those expanions, is wonderful. Overall a much more enjoyable experience!


  • @EKHawkman said:
    Alright, A short little bit of feed back on the arted map since there doesn't seem to be a megapost specific to the art map.

    The extra amount of expansions to take feels very enjoyable. Being able to invest in extra gold income, and not having to fight allies over those expanions, is wonderful. Overall a much more enjoyable experience!

    Completely agree. One of my top 2 complaints in my feedback was expansions did not feel central enough, and towers felt too important.

    Looks like this map might solve all those problems!

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