First Game Feedback

I felt frustrated when my units collided with my team mate's units and couldn't guide itself out.
I felt excited when my team mate and I had to work together to overcome an obstacle (the enemy camping an important area like the gem mines).
I felt somewhat annoyed when my bindings for specific units (I played Alder and I binded my seed cubes to 1) needed to be re binded after death or redeployment.

In general, I liked the game. It was a refreshing take on the traditional rts games and one I could get used to. After playing my first game I was really satisfied. I took about 40 minutes and about half way through the game I felt the intensity of the match going up. I found it easy to create my units, cast skills, and perform upgrades. There was a back and forth struggle for coin ( I was disrupting their gathering and they were doing the same to me) which made careful positioning of units necessary and sometimes required your team members to assist.

What I think could be some great features, bigger more visible life bars (I'm sure you folks at artillery are aware of this), the ability for control group binds to remain even after pressing b or after re spawning, Unit collisions and movement. I also think perhaps some more team involvement. When I was playing, of the 2 other people, I worked with one of them in close quarters (taking points, protecting each other, etc). The other guy was just working away on his lane and only really needed assistance when the enemy was taking his base. It worked out kind of in the end because we applied a lot of pressure up top which gave him some room to close in on the nexus and get the win for us but other than that it I didn't really "talk" to him.

Anyways, great game guys!

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