My Initial Thoughts

My initial feelings on this game are mostly positive. But keep in mind that is based on the fact that the game isn't finished yet.

What I liked:

I felt great when I could guess all of the hotkeys and be correct the first try.
This is almost certainly because I play Starcraft, but I was easily able to hotkey armies and buildings without any hassle. The game's controls just feel right.

I felt challenged in a good way when I realized I could build/upgrade before deploying starts
I hope this isn't a bug because I liked thinking about the different variations of openers before units are able to be deployed. Plus the breathing room is nice for chatting to teammates and etc...

I felt zero confusion when fighting against other armies or with my own teammates.
This area might be underrated, but I have an easy time telling where my army is and what my army is doing. Some games (Warcraft 3 for example) are very hectic in huge battles. In Atlas, there was little confusion due to the color scheme and models.

I have fun microing Neutral Weapons. Both using them, and fighting against them with my own.
Neutral Weapons are probably my favorite part of the game because I like controlling separate armies. That being said, I wish there were more. If not more directly, maybe more variation.

I felt powerful when I got rewarded for leveling up
Those extra gems made me feel excited, but not just because they were gems, but because they were a symbol of how awesome I did. The reward could be 10 smiley emoticons and I would feel the same excitement.

What I didn't like :(

_I felt underwhelmed when in a battle _
This is most definitely because of the minimal effects and sounds currently in the game. I assume they will be added later, but if there were no plans, I would like to see some explosions and glowy stuff please!

I was put off by the in-game music when trying to kill space men.
The music is good overall. But the smooth electronic doesn't feel like we are in an intense interplanetary elemental war during the game. This is not really a complaint about the gameplay, I'm just throwing this out there.

I felt disappointed when my options for a Neutral weapon were: Cube or... Bigger cube.
It is intuitive to have essentially a stronger version of a unit, but it isn't really fun.

I felt frustrated when I had to ping pong my army against my opponent with no way to split his attention.
This can be remedied with teamplay, but since the map feels like it has psuedo-lanes, it's unlikely my opponent will divert his army completely out of the way.

I felt like there was no way to put use to my apm or quickness to get the better of my opponent's army.
Piggy backing off of the last thought, there was never a point where I thought I could quickly catch my opponent off guard. I felt like a snail trying to run around a snail.

I felt limited into only one playstyle: army vs army duke-it-out.
It feels unlikely that I could get behind enemy lines and take out critical structures. With towers and army deployment, I feel like all I can do is fight the opponent head on.

I felt like I could just tag every mineral because, why not?
Sure It could be killed, but It's going to expire anyways and the difference between waiting and tagging is only a few seconds (if your in contention with an enemy army and afraid they'll kill it). I don't feel like I'm gathering a resource, but rather playing tag.

I felt upset when my team almost wins, and then the game drags on another hour.
Later in the game even if the enemy team has no economy, their army will still respawn indefinitely. Obviously there are ways to win with a greater economy (neutral weapons!) but since neutral weapons can't wipe their army, I feel like im fighting my opponent monotonously forever.

That's all for now. I'm sure there's more lingering in my head but I don't want to type for the whole day.

Thank you!

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