All of the feedback

Greetings! Had a lot of fun today playing the current build. I believe I went 4-2 overall and would've kept going if not for the [understandable] technical issues. I'll try to remember everything and dish out a bullet point list. Good and bad mixed together!

-I opened the client and the default game mode was not windowed full screen. That made me sad. For modern day games I think this should be the default.
-I opened the client and the audio was super loud. An overall master volume slider would be fantastic.
-I looked through the video options and saw several post processing options that were not 100% clear on what they did. Built in client text explaining these options would be great :)
-I wanted to copy something out of chat but I couldn't because it kept scrolling down. When I scroll up in the chat, can it not automatically snap to the bottom?
-When I was queuing for games I was not getting an audio queue for the ready check. Maybe it is just too quiet, or maybe it is not there? Please add an audio confirmation :)
-I tried to full screen the client to read all the unit abilities (in atlaspedia) but there wasn't an easy way to do so. Even worse, the text scaled with the client so I still couldn't see it all in one pane like I wanted. Suggestion: Add a maximize window button to the client and either don't scale text size or include an option not to.

Game play:
-I love all the skills being cast-able without tabbing through groups of units. Don't change this, it makes me happy :)
-I had to exit the action to go and build an expansion, this was a bit of a letdown. Suggestion: Can we build expansions as long as we have vision?
-I went to upgrade my troops and was overwhelmed by the amount of options. Suggestion: Removing/Consolidating some upgrades - especially the tower ones. I don't know if it's just because of the current graphics but I haven't visually see tower upgrades be very successful yet (maybe the nexus towers can just be better by default?). In fact, I forgot all about the race specific upgrades and those should be at the forefront of importance I think.
-I boxed my units and issued commands and the unit AI was very good at blocking each other. I'm sure this is a well known issue / work in progress but sometimes it was a bit annoying :)
-I wanted to set my rally point to my hero, but I was not allowed to. Suggestion: allow hero rally point.
-I tried to communicate with my teammates, but felt more ways to communicate was necessary. Suggestion: add various pings (eg - on my way, help, defend). Also voice chat seems very necessary for a 3v3 or bigger feel.
-I built more units and revived them with "V", but I didn't really see a point. It does not seem like there would be any benefit on waiting to re-spawn your units, so why have this at all?

-I played Celesta and the wisps felt underwhelming. They might be the only unit in the game without any sort of traits or abilities. Give them a little love?
-I played Grath and felt his heroic abilities were a bit weaker than all the others. Again, this could just be due to lack of experience but without completely changing his skills I'm not sure how to make it feel better. Maybe add attack speed to Galvanize?
-I played as Hydros and loved the unit squad thematically and ability-wise.
-I played as Alder and felt the saplings become very weak by the end of the game. Suggestion: Tier 3 upgrade to have 2 charges of sapling per seedbot rather than 1?
-I built neutral units because I felt I needed to in order to win, not because I really wanted to. It could just be my limited experience but I feel like the army feels a lot better to use than a creeping siege line of neutral units. It also felt like there might be too many neutrals available, but maybe that is just the current art assets.
-I enjoyed using my thematic units over the neutrals. Maybe a tier 3 gem sink could be an option to increase your max "food" count and build a larger army?
-I tried several upgrade paths but felt if you take them too early it is surely a trap. Suggestion: lock out upgrades until higher tier main base? Re-spawning units seem much stronger early on but I could be wrong.
-When behind, it felt extremely difficult to break a siege. I'm sure this is why siege weapons only attack other siege weapons/structures, but it felt like another option could really help.
-I enjoyed the 2+1 layout of the base but still felt it was a bit disjointed - especially the nexus. If a team is coordinated (and just slightly ahead) I don't see much reason not to just barrel down mid and siege the nexus while defending your siege line.

This one might sound silly but... I played several games today with fun looking units but felt the stakes were not as high as they could be. Unfair comparison to make but without a backstory/campaign it just lacks a bit of oomph that competitive games like starcraft/heroes of the storm carry. It is fun being able to play as your childhood hero Zeratul. It is also fun to play as Hydros, but I don't have nearly the same connection.


  • Bump as after the 2nd playtest most of this still stands :)

    Today I won all my games except for 2 i think where a teammate was immediately replaced by bots. I felt the art map was not as balanced as the first map - it focused all the action in one area (which was nice) but then the games usually became much more one sided to the team controlling mid since they now denied pretty much all gems while getting bonus ones to boot! To put it another way...

    When I played the art map I felt imbalance due to the way mid swung. Suggestion: spawn gems on the sides when the event happens in the mid, so teams have a built in comeback mechanic.

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