PvP day Feedback

Here are my notes about the play test today. I'm mostly going to talk about the problems I found, but don't let that make you think that I did not have fun playing the game because I did have fun! ^^
Problems imo:

Unit Collision: Add in a feature to ignore ally unit collision

The game to me seems to have a focus on being micro intensive, but unit pathing, ESPECIALLY when in big teamfights with allies makes microing units sometimes impossible. Having all my units die because my ally was not smart enough to micro his own units is not fun. I could see someone losing a fight this way and wanting to rage quit. I can understand having unit collision with your own units or even your enemies, but its too much with allies as well. The good micro player should be rewarded and not penalized for having a poor ally.

Unit Pathing:

Some pathing seems a bit clunky in general. units don't seem to always take the fastest route and when they hit an obstacle it is difficult to maneuver around it, or at least it appears that way.

Gold Collection Rate/Gem Collection Rate:

in general, this seems rather slow to me. Even with 3-4 bases I felt like it still took forever to get the gold necessary for one unit. This could be just a perception thing because once built you keep the unit, but it seems to give the player a lot of downtime, especially early in the game when you arent strong enough to kill off bigger neutral monsters on your own/with ally. Even at the end of the game when you have your full army, it doesn't look or feel big.

Finding Units/Selecting Units:

I would like a way to find a unit that I may have accidentally left behind and cant find on the minimap, maybe a key that you hit which will select any unit x distance from your hero or something? As for selecting your hero, ctrl 1 sometimes worked (alla starcraft hotkeys) and sometimes [spacebar] would work, but neither of these work consistently and i am not sure why. perhaps it has something to do with selecting you base?

HP Bars:

Not a fan of the current hp bar, when attacked the hp bar flashes a lot and it is hard to tell what the hp even is. The bigger the creature/object the bigger the flashing hp bar confusion.

Towers and Bushes Interaction:

I don't like that towers cam see my units when they are in the bush even when my minions aren't agroing the towers. The bushes in the middle of the map which rest in front of each enemy expansion tower seems pointless with the current interaction. I would prefer for both sides to have to worry about whether or not an enemy is in the bush.

Recall Function:

I already made a post about the recall function, but just to reiterate, please fix the forced recall lol.

Final General Gameplay Thoughts:

The skill ceiling for this game as is, to me seems relatively low. At any given time there is not enough going on that would require a starcraft-esque APM. Likewise, strategy seems rather limited and sometimes one dimensional. For example, when playing vs bots I wanted to try to "zergling rush" my opponents and this simply does not work. To me it seems like there is ONE optimal build path for each player which will be the superior build REGARDLESS of who I play against. Your strategy for the game seems to be locked in along with the champion you're playing. For example, if you are playing Celesta, you are stuck playing a siege strategy because of your tier two units. The game is fun to play, but I could see myself getting burned out fast as well.

Hope my feedback is useful! Thanks for inviting me for the play test, I had a great time!

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