More Defined Roles

KelwanKelwan Member
edited December 2015 in Feedback

Hey guys!

I just finished up the first Sunday of play testing Atlas, and my goodness was it FUN. I would like to first and foremost say that it was a total honour to be involved in this process, and thus I want to give the best, most constructive feedback I possibly can.

A lot of the roles that a character fills (Ex. Celesta with Purifiers acts as a great positioning/support hero) seems to be dampened by the fact that any character can use all of the neutral items. Anyone can slap down their own personal fortress in a heartbeat equipped with long-range vision, healing totems, turrets, cubes, etc. I think this discourages working together when one person can perform so many tasks at once.

Let me give some examples of what I'm thinking of with with the current items in the game:

Vela, the Elegant Assassin can provide vision for her team and snipers to see long distances!

Celesta, the siege and support class could use aggressive towers to assault the enemy's nodes!!

Ryme, Frozen Sage with his healing capabilities can drop portable totems on the field to rejuvenate his allies!!!

I think that separating the towers based on roles would make each character's purpose more specific, unique and put more emphasis on teamwork. To push a front, you can have characters working together to place turrets, offensive cubes, healing and vision (And maybe even more role-oriented items in the future)!

Anyway that's all I've got, time to study for that exam in the morning! I would love to hear what you guys think about the idea, and maybe adjust/expand on it (Or completely throw it out, haha).


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