PVP is so much more fun than bots. People are much better than bots. My game went great. I really like that you have the freedom to sort of do your own thing and that the game can swing a lot as far as who is winning.

MY game was pretty even then we were losing turrets but, an expert flanking maneuver allowed me to get my units to their nexus while my allies held them off and so I was able to take it down to quarter health before being fought off. Again they took the fight to our nexus but while my allies held them off I was able to take out the nexus.

So the feedback. It was a lot of fun. I felt as a player useful. I like the 3 man teams because I can see that I AM making a difference and without me the game WOULD be different. That makes it very fun to play because I can see i have a high stake in the game.

I played as Vela and I really enjoyed using the T3 WindSupport guys. Their abilities allow me to either increase speed for flanks or range for sniping. I enjoyed this unit because it felt like I needed skill to know when to use the different abilities. I used the abilities dynamically while retreating and advancing and I could really see the difference when they were in different modes. So I guess in short it was fun to use them actively and see results immediately.


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