Game Client Feedback

Here are my thoughts about the game client.

What I like:
* It's clean and simple
* love that you can watch youtube videos right in the client. Makes showing tutorials and updates very nice
* Atlaspedia is very helpful to learn about all the factions

What I don't like:
* autoplay youtube video whenever I tab back to the Home screen, very annoying
* chat log auto scrolls when new messages are posted (even if I've scrolled up to view previous messages). When a new messages is posted, it jumps the chat log to the bottom to show the message. When I scroll up I would like the chat to stop scrolling so I can read previous messages without them moving
* I can't close any of the popup windows with the esc button (such as menu that comes up with I click Play, or the youtube videos on the Learn screen, or the help menu)
* chat log history is very limited, only shows about 30 messages

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