OS X Frame Rate

I have noticed a few others post this but thought I would put in my two cents.

The frame rate on OS X is nearly unplayable at 8 to 12 frames per second. Even at low graphic settings. Upon switching operating systems I was able to get a solid 70 -80 frames throughout the whole game with Windows 7 on the same computer.


  • staticostatico Member, Administrator

    Weird. We've seen one other mac with a strangely-low frame rate.

    Would you mind going to the Apple menu -> System report... -> File menu -> Save and sending the saved file to support@artillery.com? I'd like to take a look at your specs to see if anything stands out.

  • Sure thing I sent the specs in an email.

  • Played my first game and had about 110fps on high settings. Mac Pro (2013) base config, so obviously a higher spec machine, but just wanted to mention that this doesn't seem to be an issue for OS X in general.

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