Xemnes's Feedback Thread

Let me preface this with that I understand somethings I will be talking about others have already brought up, I think its a good idea to give whatever slightly different opinion I have as well as just to keep all my ideas in one place for my own sanity.

  • First and foremost, unit collision. I've felt so frustrated with the unit collision in the game. It feels like the game punishes you for grouping with your team mates. If two people have a melee unit odds are half of them won't be able to fight because of the pathing. Also having my units get stuck on buildings is frustrating when im trying to macro manage and I come back to see they've been stuck and I have to manual path them. Also trying to micro certain units to retreat while others stay and fight seems to be impossible since units can't pass through one another. This also makes it not fun to try and play your role, say someone is playing the tank and wants to get to the front to protect his allies when a fight has broken out, he really can't because he will be blocked by his allies units.

  • I feel bored with the gold. I don't know really whats wrong or how to fix it but it feels like you get gold so insanely slow in the game. Even after expanding to 4 bases I still feel like I am waiting forever to buy just one unit. One idea I had since I don't want to try re balancing the game is just multiplying all the gold values by 5. So make it so you get 5 times as much gold and make everything cost 5 times as much. I feel like if its just bigger numbers my brain might be ok with the the length of time it takes to get things.

  • I feel bored with the amount of interaction in the game. Now this is an odd one because it may have a lot to do with the unit collision. But I don't feel like I am doing a whole lot in the game. As it stands most armies you can just active all of your ability's and go 1a in. With most things being passives, buffs, or useless in most scenarios and micro being nearly impossible because of the collision.

  • I have a lot of fun with the decision making. I wanted to make sure I wasn't only putting the bad stuff here, because I honestly am having a lot of fun with the game. One of the things that is a lot of fun is choosing what to do at any given moment. I like how there is several different objectives to go after and different ways to go after them. Also I like how just killing your opponents army isn't always a good call since by the time an objective is up and needs to be contested they will just be back. It makes for interesting situations where you get a pick on an army and you want to capitalize on it so everyone moves out somewhere, then suddenly the enemy is at one of your mega nodes. Now you have to choose push 3v1 and have a base race where the enemy could respawn/recall into you or go back and repel the push so your pick gets you nothing.

*Some heros don't feel fun. Eris is a great example of this, she dies very quickly, doesn't seem to do much damage, and here abilities are boring. Now I don't know if you focus solely on the heros who aren't fun or if maybe you make the game a little more focused on the hersos. I'm sure people have asked for an item shop but I think a much cooler idea would be to have locations on the map where your hero can get items that make them stronger that are defended by titans, maybe it moves around at certain times and the titans respawn. This could make for some really interesting decision making where your team has to pick what they want to do in the time leading up to the spawn of this thing.

  • I feel confused about tower range. I understand now that the green circle is the healing range even for enemy towers but at first it was very confusing. I feel like adding a indicator for tower range would be very nice since the green circle is misleading, and also knowing exactly where I can put my unit before a siege would be handy, now honestly this isn't a huge deal since almost no game with towers has a visual for their range but for some reason I feel like it would help a lot in this.

  • I feel frustrated by the cool down on Build. Only when it comes to making tower, I just wish I could shift queue buildings and have it actually happen instead of canceling because of the .5 cooldown. Again not a huge deal but seems like an easy fix.

That's all for now, I'll update this as I play more.


  • @Xemnes said:


    • First and foremost, unit collision. I've felt so frustrated with the unit collision in the game. It feels like the game punishes you for grouping with your team mates. If two people have a melee unit odds are half of them won't be able to fight because of the pathing. Also having my units get stuck on buildings is frustrating when im trying to macro manage and I come back to see they've been stuck and I have to manual path them. Also trying to micro certain units to retreat while others stay and fight seems to be impossible since units can't pass through one another. This also makes it not fun to try and play your role, say someone is playing the tank and wants to get to the front to protect his allies when a fight has broken out, he really can't because he will be blocked by his allies units.

    • I feel bored with the gold. I don't know really whats wrong or how to fix it but it feels like you get gold so insanely slow in the game. Even after expanding to 4 bases I still feel like I am waiting forever to buy just one unit. One idea I had since I don't want to try re balancing the game is just multiplying all the gold values by 5. So make it so you get 5 times as much gold and make everything cost 5 times as much. I feel like if its just bigger numbers my brain might be ok with the the length of time it takes to get things.

    These are two of the biggest issues I'm having right now too.

  • Day9Day9 Member, Administrator

    The gold comment is an incredibly clever one -- 5xing income and 5xing cost. We might very just DO that haha. Those little psychological things go a long way. Also, I never really feel like gold matters as much vs Bots, but it feels much more critical in PvP. Vs bots, it's not as tense so your brain gets plenty of time to be aware of the slow gold income. VS humans, it's much easier to get sucked into a tense fight over a particular gem arena and not notice gold income piling up. Lemme know how PvP goes woot!

    Comments on construction and tower range are on point. Adding to the to-do list.

    As I've stated for other people, I'm going to move the pathing discussion over to the mega thread!

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