Alpha Test Feedback

GameResignerGameResigner Member
edited December 2015 in Feedback

Hey there! Thanks for reading!

Feedback will be updated periodically. For some of these items, a screenshot or video would make it easier to communicate; please let me know if you need clarification on anything.


  1. Familiar enough to be straightforward but different enough so that it doesn't feel like a copy of something (at least that I've played/heard of)
  2. Feels more like a hybrid of RTS and MOBA mechanics more than traditional RTS. Good or bad, time will tell but I like how it's presented so far.
  3. The map appears to be designed for 4v4 gameplay (a spot for a base location in the bottom of the map gave it away)
  4. The map seems too large; doesn't cater to 3v3 gameplay - 3rd player in the bottom of the map is isolated from team
  5. Map objectives do not force engagements (gem collection loses importance/is less impactful as the game progresses and other objectives are taken)
  6. Large gem spawners should be reserved for central/high traffic areas of the map and should spawn in those locations with every respawn - perhaps even add a "mega" spawner that spawns every ~5 min in the center of the map that takes longer to capture and gives a ton of resources
  7. Gem deserts on several areas of the map, increase the number of simultaneous spawners but reduce the number of gems rewarded from each pickup
  8. It may be interesting to experiment with high-yield gold refinery areas in the middle of the map
  9. Cannot zoom in the camera to view gameplay/art elements in more detail
  10. The visual difficulty indication of each NPC camp (the swords) was not immediately apparent - perhaps stub in "easy", "medium", "hard" above the camps until different enemy models can be implemented per camp
  11. Please add the ability to rally the base to a unit in addition to a location (QoL feature)
  12. The default hotkeys may need to be revisited after more features are added; two primary actions are bound to V and B which are right next to each other and can be "fat-fingered" because the hand has to jump to them from the QWER abilities to hit either of them


  1. The song is unobtrusive to gameplay and great for keeping you engaged; great work! Excited for additional tracks.
  2. The sound effects can layer on top of each other and cause distortion, e.g. selecting the Recall button rapidly


  1. Great idea putting the health bars/attack cooldown/Recall indicators on the unit selection blobs so that they don't obfuscate other units
  2. Widen/thicken the health/attack cooldown/Recall indicators to make them easier to read
  3. Please add colorized stub art for the ability placement UI and waypoint movement; the thin white lines can be hard to see
  4. Please add a better visual indication for units that are being healed under turrets/healing totems (+ symbol above heads of units?)
  5. There is a lot of clutter from the enemy range rings on the map/mini map; please hide them unless selected by the player
  6. Please improve visual distinctiveness between the different build pads other than size (color, icons, etc.)


  1. There is no visual indication of what the numbers mean on the scoreboard(?) at the top of the screen - I assume that they are player levels but that isn't displayed anywhere else
  2. Not sure what "Next Bounty" is
  3. No tooltip descriptions for: Next Bounty, Gold, Gems, or Warp in Units
  4. Tooltip size scaling issues on certain resolutions, e.g. Glass Cannon on 1280x720
  5. Improve visual clarity in tooltips with heavy descriptions, e.g. Re-cycle ability, by bolding, color changing, spacing/separating important keyword text
  6. Improve the indication of how many units are still available to build time a certain type other than a small number on the build button (perhaps include on the unit tray?)
  7. Please move the unit stats from the Shift+Tab window to a mouse-over tooltips in the unit tray over each unit
  8. Replace Shift+Tab menu with stats on the current game state - kills, gold, gems, # of units, # of gem spawns collected, etc.
  9. Please add a UI for control groups so that players can see what they have bound to what group
  10. Please add a cancel option for units/structures/upgrades already in progress (you can refund partial amounts of resources if desired)
  11. Please add some visual distinction between allies; all green team is confusing
  12. Please add a setting in the menu so that you can enable player name displays by default instead of having to hold Alt and mousing over
  13. Center the minimap in the window and zoom it in as much as possible (there empty black spots in the bottom right corner that can be filled)
  14. It would be nice to see the hero icon in the hero's minimap chit


  1. Units can take a long time to "settle" in a group after moving - sometimes never
  2. The rate at which units are pushed is not fast enough, it can take a long time for a unit to move through a stationary group of idle units
  3. Unit pushing weight values should be standardized by the unit's importance/size (Hero>T3>T2>T1)
  4. Units should return to executing their last movement order after using an ability (movement command and attack move command) instead of idling after using an ability.
  5. Unit server size extents may need an audit so that they match the size of the model
  6. Potentially allow for interpenetration of unit models and/or reduction of server extents while units are moving (not sure if units register skillshot/AoE combat effects from their center point or their whole extents area)
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