Feeling Depthless


I feel that after you research tier 3, the game feels out of depth, there is no options to choose from, nothing that can help you compensate for your enemy's army or gain any strategic advantage over their choices, of which there are none. Upgrades are very linear and feel like they make no difference (probably because the enemy is also researching them at a similar rate). The usage of gems seems like the only important decision and still it's about expanding and towers (to get more upgrade money, since your army is capped) or attacking with mobile cannons or defending from your enemies neutral weapons with your own ion cannon. The armies themselves seem like a non-evolving part of the game. Perhaps if upgrades forced you down certain paths to obtain new abilities or unlocked global abilities like transports or temporary summons. Another option might be having some neutral weapons interact with armies.


  • I do have to say that I've only played 3 games so far, It could be really helpful if we could get a table of abilities/upgrades per race to see if I'm just talking bollocks, those upgrade buildings are kind of confusing and difficult to figure out in the middle of a game.

  • CycleCycle Member, Moderator

    Check out the Atlaspedia under the Learn page in the client for lots of info on stuff :D

  • BTW, I do think the "Hero does all" mechanic is good, it adds some depth into it by having to manage "hero time" as an additional resource.

  • @Cycle Bollocks! I didn't see that initially! But what about the basic upgrades? +dmg+speed+def+lifesteel, etc. I'd like to see a clear "Tech Tree". Buildings should be marked with "Standard" tech and "Race" Tech for clarity in game.

  • RonozohRonozoh Member
    edited December 2015

    Also, I'd like to see some better markers for towers, I'm usually trying to click and upgrade them but then there was a battle, one got destroyed, replaced by an ally* and It's very hard to see which ones are mine and which ones are my allies'. Btw, is there a way to repair them? Do they Regenerate? When I upgrade them, they keep their current hitpoints? Should I destroy (i know i cant) and replace a tower that's almost dead?

  • Day9Day9 Member, Administrator

    @Ronozoh -- While I agree the game has no depth, I'd love to hear where the depth problems come from when you are playing in PvP. Vs bots, it's relatively easy to get all the coin you need to max out. Vs humans, it's much much much much harder to max out unless you go very deep into the game. So, you wind up having to make some choices.

    Lemme know after tomorrow :D

  • @Artillery.Day[9] Is there a way you could provide us with some standard upgrade tables? Some theorycrafting would be nice.

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