A suggestion to change how you upgrade

seeing as the building seems invulnerable I feel like a menu system for it would be smoother. You could have a open the menu key bind then key binds for selecting which of the slots you are upgrading then the key binds that already exist for the upgrades. Even if you keep the buildings it just makes more sense for me to have a menu with all of it there.


  • Day9Day9 Member, Administrator

    This is definitely a possibility.

    We used to have everything in a menu as you state, but we wanted to give the more visceral feeling of "having a base." It's not exactly doing anything for us though. As we grow the upgrade and money spending options down the line, we'll keep menu vs on-map as a discussion.

  • maybe make it more like a shop in dota 2 where you need to buy the upgrades by being close to it? To ahve upgrade building like a rts but to not need to build them makes them seem like a prop more than an actual base.

  • I like this Idea of doing it like DOTA. I know this is not a MOBA but that would add another objective that wouldn't need to be held for a long time, but could be a point of epic battles. I don't think there should be any turret building spots anywhere near it though. would give too much power to hunkering down at that point.

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