Positive initial conclusions

I would just like to take a moment to point out and appreciate all of the little clever things that artillery has done. In no particular order:

Low unit counts. Having low unit counts, especially for the 2nd, and 3rd tier units really makes them feel powerful. Really nailing a particular position, or sniping enemy units is a really satisfying experience, and also makes it clear when a position is strong or weak. Sweet, my team mate just sniped a big nerd, time to push.

The inability for neutral weapons to attack standard army units. I feel like this cements each units role in the game quite strongly, creating very clear goals on the battlefield. Standard units are clearly for establishing map control. Harassing enemy gem locations, and pushing enemies away from the spots you want your weapons to be, and weapons are very clearly for destroying enemy structures. The lack of crossover between these roles means that I always know what I should be doing.

Structured 3vs3. Knowing spawn locations, and having 3 players per game gives players enough understanding, while still allowing for enough diversity that it will likely facilitate a healthy meta game.

Feel free to add anything particular that you like about the games design.


  • Day9Day9 Member, Administrator

    The inability for neutral weapons to attack standard army units. I feel like this cements each units role in the game quite strongly, creating very clear goals on the battlefield.

    This makes me so happy to hear that the weapons feel intuitive! We want to expand this system a ton in the future :). A clean place for a tech tree eh? :D.

    Oh man your post just made me happy. I'm not actually answering anything but thank you <3

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