Feedback... sort of.

Atlas is looking amazing. The website is beautiful and oh, so functionally wonderful. The art design is lovely and the game play looks enticing. You have all made tremendous strides since I last peeked in over a month ago. It's really coming together and I am so happy that I got to taste even a little of it tonight. Given my knowledge of things I was able to get the overview of the possibilities from the short bot game I played. I can see this being a game that I will keep being very passionate about for a long time into the future. Thanks for keeping me around and keep up the amazing work.


  • staticostatico Member, Administrator

    That is fantastic to hear. We've been crunching hard for a while now and comments like this make my day. I'll pass it along to the team.

    Thank you!

  • Day9Day9 Member, Administrator

    :D :D :D. Thrilled thrilled to hear that. As statico commented, I can't express the joy these types of comments bring us :D

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