Quick feelings on Gem collection and unit cap

I've played a few games so far, and I gotta say that I love the gem collection system that's in place. It forces interaction with the enemies right from the start and stays fairly relevant throughout the game. Because of the respawn mechanic taking these kinds of early engagements doesn't make you lose immediately.

Right now the late game feels a little bit lackluster. This partially is because we only have access to vs AI, but it also is a little bit disappointing that your army is basically complete (in terms of unit count) fairly early on in the game. I understand the necessity of unit caps, but because of having unit caps you can't make any strategic decisions about your individual squad composition.

What if there were some system in place where you can "trade" unit caps between the 3 teirs? e.x. you can build an additional t3 unit but you lose 2 t1 units and 1 t2 unit. Alternatively, what if an upgrade is implemented that takes a long time to research and has high cost but increase unit cap?

Keep up the great work!


  • Day9Day9 Member, Administrator

    The comment of "late game feels lackluster" is something we hear reasonably frequently from other folk. We want to add more stuff to expand not just late game spice, but overall strategic depth.

    Currently, we are VEERRRRRRRRYYYYYY careful with letting people mess with T2 and especially T3 unit numbers. We used to have no caps on units, and the battles were HORRIBLE. Imagine 40 skillshots flying out of each army towards the other army. It wasn't army combat anymore. It was ability balls lol.

    That said, I think we can trend towards more insanity later in the game. For instance, maybe there's an "ultimate upgrade" that lets you get one more T3 unit or something. This is the sort of thing that will make the game definitely more crazy and difficult to read, but maybe that's ok for an end game.

    As was said in the video, we rarely treat ideas as "right or wrong" when stated. We want to take things and test them. So, I think that your comment of possibly having additional T2 or T3 units ultra late is a VERY reasonable test (especially since it's so easy to make that happen). So, adding to the to-do list now!

    OTHER THAN THAT specific idea, i'll reference my first paragraph -- we want more spice in the late game for sure :). We have some plans that I'll share post pre-alpha playtest w/ everyone!

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