Impressions after a hand full of games

  • It's fun that there is always something to do. The gem collection system is fun.
  • If I was playing with teammates and no voice chat, I would be looking for some sort of "ping" system similar to Heroes of the Storm. Some way I can quickly communicate a simple message like "I'm attacking here" or "Defend this area"
  • I found it annoying that I couldn't have my respawn units waypoint directly to my hero. It would be great if the waypoint could target units instead of just locations
  • Probably the biggest frustration I've had is unit pathing. It doesn't feel smooth and they constantly get in the way of each other.
  • As a casual player, I appreciate the simplified macro mechanics and the fact that I don't need to worry about managing a dozen different unit types


  • marktillerymarktillery Member, Administrator

    There is a ping system! Hit 'G' and click for a basic ping, or hit 'G' and hold the mouse down for a smart ping menu.

    We hear you loud and clear on pathing - it's something we're really concerned about, and we'll be working hard on it for the next 3 to 6 months.

  • I agree with the waypoint to hero thing. Although you can hit "~" to select all your army it would be nice to have the option to know they're going to start moving right when they respawn.

  • Day9Day9 Member, Administrator
    • I found it annoying that I couldn't have my respawn units waypoint directly to my hero. It would be great if the waypoint could target units instead of just locations

    Added to to-do list. Nice point here.

    • Probably the biggest frustration I've had is unit pathing. It doesn't feel smooth and they constantly get in the way of each other.

    I'll be making a mega-thread about pathing here at some point for people to post in. That way, I can direct everyone to my full answer on it :D. I've given a more extensive comment here:

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