First Impressions

Just finished my first game and wanted to say I'm enjoying it very much so far! I felt driven to keep doing things constantly throughout the game. The game seems to keep action constantly and does not have a 'down' period because units automatically re spawn now. I must admit for a beginner at the game I felt a little overwhelmed in the very beginning, but once I got the hang of things it started to speed up and make more since. I felt very happy that there are more 'squads' than just three. I hope to see more 'squads' in the future!

It seems like a really awesome game and is already a lot of fun. I really hope this takes off competitively and makes a whole new gaming scene (Like league , dota, starcraft, etc...) The game seems to have a lot of the aspects it will need to become a true competitive game. Since it was only my first game I cannot really speculate to much on that discussion.

I am about to hope in another game and hopefully many more and then will come back for some more feedback! Super fun!


  • Day9Day9 Member, Administrator


    Can't wait to hear how you like PvP! :D

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