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  • Coming from SC2, I've got PTSD-like flashbacks just by reading the title . I feel that interacting with players is the best form of interaction. Destructible terrain, the way you propose it (with tiers, repairing, damage modifiers, upgrades) may int…
  • @ TokOwa said: Guys, I know you are super against gating gameplay, but how are they going to be incentivised to create more content if it is all free automatically? I don't know where the assumption that more content equals a better game com…
  • @cdiss said: Dev verification needed, but my understanding is that's not how the upgrades work. My understanding is that the attack upgrades work as @Aswan said: If you read the whole post you will see that I'm not saying that's how attack w…
  • @Aswan said: Is this for both, magical and physical defense? Yes. @Aswan said: It's good to know the formula, but can you tell us if units actually have base resist and if that base resist is always the same or different per unit type…
  • As someone suggested, Titans of Atlas sounds better, since you know, Titans are the main objective. Also, Guardians of Atlas sounds cheesy and childish, much like the MOBA names you mentioned. Not that it really matters, anyway. Regarding the "not …
  • I'm not sure if I should be saying this, as I think that no gameplay unlocks is the best scheme for players and I'm against the current progression system, but there's a reasonable compromise that makes gameplay unlocks not so terrible. The trick i…
  • I agree that pay gating gameplay is bad, and grind gating is equally bad, as both create uneven playfields and provide unfair advantages. It hurts new players, who feel gimped and powerless as they are put at an unfair disadvantage. It hurts the gam…
  • @angrySloth said: I like the current progression system. I think it adds to the game, for me it makes it more fun to try new heroes/units. I have a few hundreds hours playtime of DotA2, and i couldn't care less for skins or whatever I got ther…
  • @NegativeZero said: i think the overall game speed is ok, but i think there should be more variation in unit movement speeds, everything seems kind of same-ish right now. i'd like to see a unit like the zergling or hellion from sc2 - a weak …
  • How do you feel about showing the respawn timers on the minimap? They would be explicit, so they would be easy to learn (as in, you don't even have to learn them) and reduce the burden of knowledge for new players. You may argue that it "reduces th…
  • Oh, and also a list of planned features would be great. There's many things, little and big things, that are missing but are surely planned for later. That would somewhat prevent polluting the forum with redundant feedback and wasting everyone's tim…
    in Forum feedback Comment by Sir August 29
  • I feel that General and Feedback sections overlap too much, as right now (open alpha) almost every discussion is some sort of feedback, so splitting the forum in such sections doesn't make much sense. People may be missing threads they would want to…
    in Forum feedback Comment by Sir August 29
  • It's there exactly for that: to reduce the barrier of entry and ease learning. The hardest thing in RTS for new players is multitasking, so with autoproduction they can focus on getting comfortable with micro until they are ready to manually produce…
  • Great feedback, you seem very knowledgeable and involved in the game. Waiting for White analysis. Btw, is it officially White or Purple? My friends say it's purple and I say it's white.
  • The thing is, by taking feedback from the alpha testers and the people who already love the game and will play it no matter what, you are getting a biased sample. What I'm doing is providing feedback from the perspective of those competitive players…
  • @Spartak said: This thread is evidence that not everyone is automatically put off. There are games with millions of players that have a lot less accessible unlock systems. I'm talking about my group, not generalizing. Yes, many people like o…
  • @Spartak said: New players will not be able to take advantage of being able to select every unit. In fact, they are more likely to be worse off by making terrible compositions because they don't know how the game/units work. Experienced player…
  • @HoolaBandoola said: 1. Making content unlock as you progress makes it more natural for new players to learn about the units and the game, so they aren't overwhelmed by the amount of choice in their first game and are put off by that. It mak…
  • Also, the control group keybinds, Add, Create and Create and remove, which by default are Ctrl, Shift and Alt, should be rebindable, so we could, for instance, Create and remove with Ctrl instead of Alt. Both suggestions are givens on other RTS game…