General Feedback.

Feedback after 6 games, 3 being team games:

  • I don't think Unit collision and pathing is handled very well, I found it often to be the case that units would be running into each other and preventing heroes from getting in range to attack or place structures.
  • pricing for items and units seems high, with how quickly resource points drain, it feels like in the mid game I can't be able to afford a tier 2 unit, and an upgrade for it within a short span of time.
  • Parts of the Map feel a bit choked for how many units are fielded, If a team pushes down mid with 15 units a piece, we are filling the entire avenue. Additionally, with neutral camps being present in lanes it feels very risky to fight down them when i can potentially misclick and have an additional bunch of units to fight.
  • I've liked the diversity of play styles each hero has so far, and how team compositions determine how we coordinate efforts. Simple things like tanky melee units up front.
    *I like the upgrades system, and the level of choice that can be had with it's variety of enhancements.
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