[Suggestion] Health Bar & Attack Cooldown Bar

I find it a little hard to tell if my unit's health is low during battle. Perhaps some sort of indication could help : like a change of the health bar color to notify players its in the 25% hp zone.

Another suggestion is having the options to turn off the visual progress bars for unit's attack cooldown. I feel there is too much clutter during battle, it becomes hard to see my unit's hp bar.

I can see why having this is useful in stutter stepping, however coming from SC2 and variety of MOBAs, I don't need a visual indicator to tell me how long it will take for each attack to cooldown, I've been used to memorizing it. Maybe for some newer players they would like the progress bar, however I'll rather memorize it, and have less clutter on my screen. An option to not display it would be nice.

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