Why do I need to hit the V button?
in Feedback
- Why don't units just spawn when they're ready? Is there strategic value in the units not being on the map, pending a "V"?
- Is there a "select all army" button like F2 in Void? I noticed I forgot a unit of mine somewhere silly.
- It feels awkward racing vs allies to get gems before they do. Maybe gem income should be shared? Is it?
in case your base has enemies close you don't want them coming out one by one. There is a select all units, Hero unit, All non hero units. I don't know the default key binds for them though but you can check in game by hitting the cogs in the top right at the character select.
I like pressing V. I don't want my units rallying to the wrong part of the map. Gives me time to figure out where I want my reinforcements. If they had a toggle on the ability I'd be ok with that too. much like right click commands in starcraft ei. repair on scvs .
The select all button is ` or ~
Yeah I really don't get the point of hitting V. There are some minor tactical things, like if you rallied your spawn somewhere weird, but most of the time I'm using it I'm just spamming units out to add them to my main squad anyway. I feel like they could easily streamline the whole thing and get rid of V. Instead of thinking about where you want units to go before you spawn them, they could all just spawn at your base and you could decide where they go as they arrived.
I feel like there needs to be a lot of TLC around this particular mechanic of the game. As a player, in my first play, I felt like I was doing this a ton, and it wasn't working in natural ways. Let me give some examples:
I had the first and last question as well.
I'm sure that there are situations in which you may want to hold back the spawning, but I too felt that (in my first two games) that I was spamming V, select all, move to get my potential new units to where I'm working. Changing the rally point is extremely easy (P, right click), but I found it easier to use an extra keystroke.
The "stealing" of gems is annoying, but I'm sure this is just a bot issue. and that cooperative players wouldn't see this too often. However...there could be some hoarding idiots that could make this mechanic annoying. I also felt that the CD time was awkward especially given how close many of the gems were.
Paradoxically, having units "autospawn" created massive player frustration across all skill levels -- players were constantly losing track of their units, had no idea what was alive or dead or where things were. Once we added the "V" button, all these problems went away. Though it's unintuitive, V has helped a ton.
Gem racing feels less problematic in human/human situations than it does in human/AI spots. Lemme know how it feels post PvP!
With the backtick button ` to select all units, I don't mind hitting "V" as much. I guess going back to look at my spawn rally to pick up troops was what felt cumbersome. Just hitting "V", back tick, move is a quick combo to make sure my stuff is headed where I want it to.
Maybe being able to auto-spawn and auto-rally to my hero would be a nice convenience. But that's not a big deal now that I have the back tick.
I felt a bit of this frustration, but mainly about having to regroup units. I don't mind hitting v so much, but it'd be nice if respawning units came back in their original control groups.
I wish I could set the rally point to my hero or another unit.
I like the V button. It seems tedious, but mechanical skill is also part of competitive games. If you forget to press V to reinforce your army during a key battle, and you lose the battle, then that means you have to remember to press V.
Starcraft is more a game of mechanical skill in comparison to Atlas but I am happy that Atlas is not without mechanics. For example, in Starcraft you have to build workers, supply, army. In Atlas, you press V because your army always respawns on it's own. I hope this gets my point across. Sometimes I'm bad at explaining my thoughts lol